Palmarosa Organic Essential Oil

Regular price $220.00
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This is our organic variety so suitable for use in organic formulations. Often used as a cheaper alternative for rose oil as it possesses some similar qualities. A great choice for skin care - it is suitable for most skin types, including dry, sensitive and mature skin. Promotes skin health by helping to balance, moisturise and stimulate cell regeneration. Regulates sebum production so is useful on oily, blemish prone skin. It is also a great oil to use when feeling exhausted or overwhelmed. It has a calming yet uplifting effect on the emotions. Soothing on the stomach area when applied in massage oil.

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon martini
Appearance: Pale yellow, clear mobile liquid
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Odour: Sweet, floral, rose-like odour
Main constituent/s: geraniol
Part of plant: Leaves

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